Natural Family Planning (NFP)


          Carol & Stan Greer  703-352-1619

The Natural Family Planning (NFP) program at St. Leo’s exists to teach engaged and married couples about God’s plan for marital sexuality and the use of NFP. St. Leo’s parish is also the northern Virginia office of the Couple to Couple League (CCL), a nationwide NFP educators’ group based in Cincinnati, Ohio.

Over the last year NFP:

    • Provided NFP-class enrollment information to more than 100 couples throughout the Arlington Diocese;
    • Trained nearly 50 couples in NFP;
    • Mentored a brand-new teaching couple that will be offering classes at St. Michael’s Church in Annandale.
    • Provided many hours of counseling over the phone to people interested in learning about the Church’s teachings on marital sexuality.

The NFP program’s goals for the coming year include:

    • Coordinating with the Arlington Diocese’s Office of Family Life to improve our methods of disseminating information about NFP class locations, dates and times;
    • Delivering NFP instruction to 60 couples.
    • Promoting the program at the annual parish picnic as well as at the National Association of Catholic Home Educators (NACHE) convention.