Online Giving


Welcome to St. Leo the Great’s Online Giving page. Visit here to access our safe, secure online giving system. Here you can manage your tax-deductible donations by scheduling recurring donations and initiating one-time donations. We encourage choosing the electronic personal check option to minimize processing fees so more of your gift is available for ministry.

To access St. Leo the Great’s Pushpay account, use the following URL:

Have questions about Pushpay and its relation to St. Leo’s charitable giving? Download our FAQs by clicking Frequently Asked Questions.

St. Leo the Great has a reputation for having amazingly generous parishioners. Her reputation extends far beyond just monetary charity but in her commitment to extending our Lord’s kingdom through His church via prayer, giving, and volunteering. The following are additional opportunities to support and strengthen the Church beyond our parish and even our particular, the Diocese of Arlington through the following special second collections:

Second Collections:

Special Funds:

Holy Days Funds: